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Pensilva Memory Cafe

Pensilva Memory Cafe

11 March 2023

Our calendar this year is already filling up with fun activities. Having booked two sister singers ‘Ice and a Slice’ last year we have rebooked them again . Their fun approach to well known songs and witty dialogue in between, really lifts your heart and soul and was  hugely popular. One lady in her nineties remarked that she had not enjoyed herself like that  in years and was singing along and tapping her foot.

Sue John came in February and shared Aboriginal Art with cut outs ‘ paints and cotton buds. The group really embraced the idea and produced some amazing designs.

We are planning another trip to Merryhue Farm to be amongst the animals  and sharing resources with Liskeard to Morwellham Quay and the Screech Owl Centre.

Participation Stories have gone down well. The group are given certain words and actions and whenever that word is read out the group need to do the appropriate action or sound. These stories are fun and help with mental stimulation as well as the affects of laughter. One elderly lady gave her fathers story recounting the family trip to the zoo many years ago which was a delight.

And very importantly we will be celebrating our 10th anniversary in April! The stalwarts of the Cafe  Geoff, Carol, Trish and Pat are still a huge asset and we are extremely grateful to them.  Not forgetting the other brilliant  volunteers that our  Cafe relies upon and cannot function without.