Our PAMAS Team have provided payroll and managed account services for hundreds of people for over 10 years, to enable them to employ their own care and support staff (PA’s), handling all local authority or NHS funding on their behalf. They can also provide Cafes with a comprehensive support service, where cafe funds will be banked within our client holding account.
We have heard from several cafes that finding someone with the skills and time to manage their funds, as well as holding a bank account, requiring dual authorisation processes, and managing it, can be time consuming and difficult, so we believe the managed account is a great solution.
The cafe remains completely in charge of their money, this is simply a service to make things a bit easier and includes:
Receiving and managing funds /grants on your behalf
Maintaining records to show you how the money has been spent
Making payments to any service supplier as agreed
Making payments to HMRC and your employees (if applicable)
Providing account information on income, expenditure and balance annually, or sooner if required (as evidence of grant expenditure or for your end of year financial statements).
The cost for this service is £30 per month (£6.92 per week). A service brought to you by disAbility Cornwall & Isles of Scilly